Share your story!
Everyone who plans for or experiences a bushfire has a unique experience and we can learn from every single one.
This page is your chance to share stories or reflections on planning and preparing for and living through bushfires. Submit your story or comment on the map to add to our shared learning.
Please note stories and map comments will be displayed as anonymous, however, if you would like to, you may include your name within your story submission or in the map comment.
Submit your story
Submit your story via the contact form below. Please note: files to be submitted for inclusion should be in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt or .rtf.
Map your story
The Gippsland Bushfires Map ( shows the extent of fires since 1960. Select the year you want and drag and drop the comment marker on to the map to tell your story(ies), or add photos or video links.