This page will be regularly updated to bring you the latest stories from communities around the region.
Share your story!
Everyone who plans for or experiences a bushfire has a unique experience and we can learn from every single one.
Community Bushfire Connection
On this part of the website you will find detailed stories about local community action on bushfire management. Using their own knowledge, understanding and experience, and with the support of agencies, communities across Victoria are organising to make the places where they live safer from fire.
Bushfire history in Gippsland
This theme provides an overview of the history of bushfire in Gippsland, primarily since European settlement.
Fire ecology
Fire is an important ecological disturbance in many areas around the world. It affects the structure of many ecological communities including some forests, grasslands and heathlands. An understanding of fire, the disturbance it creates and the ways in which plants and animals respond is important. Fire ecology is the area of applied ecology dealing with the effects of fire on individual species and ecosystems.
2019-2020 ‘Black Summer’ bushfire recovery
The 2019-2020 ‘Black Summer’ bushfires were of a scale and intensity not experienced in Australia since European settlement. This page is dedicated to the efforts underway to assist with and understand our natural, built and cultural environment recover from this event.
Tell your story
Everyone who plans for or experiences a bushfire has a unique experience., and we can learn from every single one. This page is your chance to share stories or reflections on planning and preparing for and living through bushfires. Submit your story and add to our shared learning.
The Fire Education materials and resources provided here have been designed to support educators – early childhood, primary and secondary – to explore a range of issues associated with fire. As many communities in Gippsland have faced, and will continue to face a range of challenges, disruption and loss associated with fire, the topic of Fire Education is becoming increasingly recognised as an important element of teaching and learning.